WEDO GLOBAL collaborated with SAHK B M Kotewall Memorial School to provide a multicultural experience for students with special learning needs. To allow students of different abilities and needs to be able to participate and enjoy the learning process, WEDO GLOBAL team communicated with the teachers numerous times and adjusted the games and the content of the cultural experiences, to allow students of different abilities to be able to fully participate as well as taking into account their unique characteristics and learning needs.

“Thanks for sharing with us. I enjoy learning different languages.” Participant
The students and the Cultural Ambassadors showed a lot of enthusiasm during the workshop. Different games aroused students' interest, as they actively participated in answering questions and the overall activity. They also paid full attention when the Cultural Ambassadors explained and gave instructions. We believe they have learned a lot of new knowledge and, hence, felt the friendliness and enthusiasm of people from different cultural backgrounds. WEDO GLOBAL also hopes to bring out the message of inclusion, connecting people of different cultural backgrounds, races, and abilities, overcoming all challenges and boundaries, understanding and respecting each other, and encouraging everyone to participate and contribute to society and build our city together.

"My favourite activity was trying on a scarf because it made me happy." Participant
This workshop allowed students to experience different cultures, enhance their cognition of multiculturalism, and understand the difficulties faced by ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, developing their empathy and care towards the people around them. This workshop also allowed the Cultural Ambassadors in WEDO GLOBAL to understand more about the life and needs of disabled people, which can be beneficial for them to lead and communicate with participants with different learning needs to experience and learn about culture.

“I got to know more about ethnic minorities because I saw them today.” Participant
In addition, we specially invited a graduate from SAHK B M Kotewall Memorial School to be the assistant of the workshop; WEDO GLOBAL hopes to inspire students to understand that once an opportunity is provided to people from different backgrounds and abilities, everyone can work together and play different roles in the society, contribute together. We believe that such activities not only enrich the students' school life but also promote communication and integration between different groups and achieve true diversity and inclusion.
#WEDOGLOBAL #Multicultural #Culture #Diversity #Inclusion #Disability #DisabilityInclusion #Accessibility #SocialInclusion #EthnicMinority #多元文化 #共融 #傷健共融 #文化體驗 #少數族裔 #特殊教育 #特殊學校 #關愛社群