According to the results of the 2021 Population Census, there was over 36% increase in the population of ethnically diverse youths aged 15-24 from 2011 to 2021. The growth highlights our society has a vibrant group of diverse young talents, who are an important driving force for future development.
WEDO GLOBAL is excited to be the Training Partner of Diversity Hub, which is organized by Christian Action. Their bespoke Training Program “Voices of Tomorrow” offers a series of training sessions aimed to nurture and empower youths of diverse backgrounds. The Program had 16 trainees from diverse backgrounds. Our team has curated the training content to enhance the personal growth and resilience of trainees, while also assisting them in developing professional skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. This will allow them to better equip themselves and better prepare for future job opportunities.

Enhance Confidence and Cultural Understanding
The training activities were designed to facilitate trainees to share personal stories and cultural insights in a supportive environment. It was heartwarming to see how they embraced each other's backgrounds and took pride in their cultures. As a result, trainees not only enhanced their confidence and presentation skills but also fostered greater cultural awareness and understanding among their peers.

“Hearing personal stories from people with different backgrounds made me feel more connected and empathetic toward their experiences.” Trainee
Improved Teamwork and Social Network
Throughout the training, trainees engaged in discussions on a variety of topics while also sharing their personal challenges and experiences. This collaborative environment encouraged them to share both insights and obstacles they faced in their daily lives, allowing trainees to practice active listening within the group. They often shared constructive feedback and encouragement for their peers after listening, this mutual support not only helped them build valuable connections but also strengthened their resilience.

“I'm more aware of the challenges that certain individuals face, and I've been introduced to so many diverse individuals from different backgrounds so it definitely broadened my horizons.” Trainee

"In the presentations, everyone has the courage to express their own culture, giving me a deeper understanding of different cultures. I can now better understand friends from diverse backgrounds, and this has helped us build a deeper friendship with one another." Trainee
Nurture Multicultural Future Leaders
This training program represented a transformative journey of growth, by fostering connections across cultures and empowering youths to become the “Voices of Tomorrow”. We are proud of the progress and improvements made by all trainees. We sincerely thank all the partners who contributed to this program. Together, we look forward to continuing our mission to nurture more ethnically diverse youths to become future leaders, creating a more diverse and inclusive society.
#WEDOGLOBAL #ChristianAction #DiversityHubHK #VoicesofTomorrow #Training #Diversity #Inclusion #Empower #EthnicallyDiverseYouths #Resilience #TeamBuilding #Leadership #Career #Development #DiversityAndInclusion